We offer a number of different services to make your comic book project from the entire process or just a part of it. If there is something that isn't listed below please contact us and we will work you up a estimate.

Black & White Comic Book Project:
$100 per Page
(Classic B&W Lineart comic pages - No Grey Tones) This process includes THUMBNAILS, PENCILS, INKS, LETTERING, TYPESETTING/PRE-PRESS. (This does not include Covers)

Full Color Comic Book Project:
$150 per Page
(Full Color Comic Book) This process includes THUMBNAILS, PENCILS, INKS, DIGITAL COLORING, LETTERING, TYPESETTING/PRE-PRESS. (This does not include Covers)

Comic Book Covers Package Deal:
$300 all 4 Covers
This package deal will include: Front Cover- 1 Full Color Illustration, Title Logo, All Text/Typesetting added to Front Cover, Pre-Press Inside Front Cover- Text Only for Credits & Copyright Information. (Previously commissioned art can be added as watermark for background or single graphic/color). Inside Back Cover- Text Only or Already prepared image to be inserted. Back Cover- Already Prepared image/artwork to be inserted here for Exterior Back Cover.

We provide Graphic Art Services as well. Creating logos for companies, title logos for your comic book, ect. Depending on the amount of work we can quote you exactly where your rate will fall into.​

Single Assigned Work
(Cover/Pin-Up) : $150
THUMBNAILS/Layout Designs: $25 each
PREPRESS: $80 per book
LETTERING: $15 per page
COLORING: $45 per page
Typsetting Services:
Business Card: $30
Brochure (2-sided): $75
Letterhead: $30
Envelopes: $30
Website Banners: $50
Flyers/Posters: (Art Supplied) :$50

Graytoned Comic Book Project:
$130 per Page
Graytoned comic pages. This process includes THUMBNAILS, PENCILS, INKS, GRAYTONES, LETTERING, TYPESETTING/PRE-PRESS. (This does not include Covers)

Jason Dube Full Color Comic Book Project:
$175 per Page
(Full Color Comic Book) This process includes THUMBNAILS, PENCILS, INKS, DIGITAL COLORING, LETTERING, TYPESETTING/PRE-PRESS. (This does not include Covers)

Character Sheet:
$130 each
Each character sheet will feature your character in three different full body angles and two close up head shots. Your character’s name and your copyright info will also be included. We offer these new sheet designs in both black-and-white and full-color. Character sheets are a great way to showcase your character, either to a publisher or to the public.
Penciled (Only) Character Sheet: $100.00
Black & White Character Sheet: $110.00
Gray Toned Character Sheet: $125.00
Color Character Sheet: $130.00
Color Character Sheets: (FREE WITH COMIC BOOK PROJECT)

Writer Services:
$50 per page
Our Studio Writer Keith Carmona will create an industry standard formatted script suitable for a comic book. Client will provide any notes, plot, and/or character description as well as possible comic length. Every effort will be made to produce a script the client desires. One revision per page allowed; $25 per page thereafter. Complete script and all characters and descriptions are the property of the client.

1 Minute Video Trailer
30 sec - 1 minute comic book trailer/commercial